Frequently Asked Questions
How can I be seen at Community Clinic?
Appointments can be booked by calling or texting 855-438-2280. Consider booking an appointment in advance so that you can enjoy reduced wait times and preferred time slots.
I’m a new patient. What should I bring to my appointment?
For your first appointment, please bring your ID, insurance information, or Proof of Income (POI) if you do not have insurance. A list of acceptable POI options is available on our Discount Program page.
If I go to the hospital, does my Community Clinic provider need to know?
Yes! If you go to an emergency room, have a procedure done, or see a specialist, it is important to let them know that Community Clinic is your medical home and ask them to send your medical records to us. They can fax that information to 479-751-4898.
How do I see a behavioral health consultant or psychiatrist?
This service is provided to our already established patients. In order to be under the care of our behavioral health team, you must first transfer/establish care to a medical provider at Community Clinic. Once you are established with our clinic, you have access to behavioral health and psychiatric services which can be scheduled by you, the patient, or through a referral from your medical provider.
I don’t have insurance. How much will my appointment be?
We offer a sliding fee discount to our uninsured patients. The discount is determined by income and household size. More information is available on our Discount Program page.